An Update on Property Re-Valuations: KNOW YOUR RIGHTS

Unfortunately, the KwaDukuza Municipality (KDM) have largely failed to fulfill their obligations and follow prescribed protocol in managing objections to property re-valuations.  Most objectors have not received acknowledgement of their objections, and very few have had their objections considered or reviewed.  In further violation of procedure, KDM have loaded the objector’s valuations onto their accounts and intend to raise rates on these valuations this month.

DOCRRA’s legal team have prepared a template letter for all members who have objected and have not had their objections acknowledged or reviewed.  This letter will enable such members to declare a dispute with KDM which prohibits the Municipality from taking any action to collect rates until the objection to the increased valuation has been resolved. 

In addition to non-resolution of objections, DOCRRA wishes to inform the community and our members that during the re-valuation process, KDM corrected historical errors pertaining to zoning and new properties.  In the process, they have levied arrear rates and taxes resulting from these errors.  Our legal team believes that this action can be challenged, and an opinion and suggested action are available to our members.

If you have an unresolved or unacknowledged objection to re-valuation, or KDM have levied arrear rates due to a zoning change and you are a member of DOCRRA, please contact us on to access the resources described above. 

If you are not a member of DOCRRA and would like to join DOCRRA and to be able to access these facilities, please visit today. 

Membership fees are just R250 per year, per household. These fees fund our efforts in tackling issues on behalf of the Dolphin Coast community – like engaging a legal team to advise our members with regards to property re-valuations. Please join us today – your contribution goes a long way to assisting our community and protecting the rights of our community.

We, DOCRRA, will continue to promote and protect the interests of all residents and ratepayers within the jurisdiction of the Dolphin Coast area. However, the more community representation and support we have, the more influence we have. Therefore, we urge you to become a member of DOCRRA.


If you require more information, please contact us on


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