Ken Lever, our DOCRRA committee member, reviewed the plan, attended the public virtual meeting, and received input from local residents. He then compiled a report with his findings, comments, recommendations and queries, which he submitted to the Municipality as input for the final plan.
So far, there has been no written response from either KDM or SMEC, however, we have been advised that the Strategic Transportation Study (STS) is being amended and updated at present for presentation to the KDM Council in early May. Council then has to assess and advertise the contents of the study to the general public before making a decision on whether to accept the STS in its entirety, or only part of it. There is therefore a long period of review and referral ahead of us.
In the meantime, we are trying to get the KDM Engineering Department, and specifically CEO Musi Sithole, to let us know what exactly is being planned for the problem roads and intersections in the existing residential areas between Ballito/Sheffield Beach/Salt Rock/Umhlali that are NOT included in the transport study.
We will continue to liaise with KDM and SMEC and advise our DOCRRA members of any developments and/or progress!
The contents of the report include the following:
The view the Strategic Transportation Study (STS) click below: