DOCRRA’s Objection Process for the Proposed Sale of part of Townsend Park

Dear Residents and Ratepayers:


UPDATE, 21 November 2022:

Since the publication of this blog, DOCRRA have consulted with our legal team and as a result we have decided to challenge the validity of the KwaDukuza Municipality (KDM) advertisement placed in the Courier last week, as well as the process followed by KDM in this matter up to now.
Consequently we have suspended the proposed templated objection letter as well as the petition process, for now.
We will keep you updated on our progress during the next couple of weeks and if needed, the objection to the sale of public open space land at Townsend Park will be triggered within the necessary timeframe.


Following the recent notice by KDM that it is considering the disposal of a portion of Townsend Park, DOCRRA has been consulting with its members and other civic bodies and has decided to spearhead the efforts to oppose the proposed disposal of this property, as we did previously.

We do not believe the disposal of the property, for any purpose, is in the interests of the residents of Ward 30 where the property is situated, or of the residents of the greater Dolphin Coast for that matter. The facilities are used for many community activities such as football, basketball, special community events, scouts, walking of dogs etc. In addition, children from all the local schools utilize this facility. This is the only location, within Ballito, providing such a venue for the community.

The further detailed reasons for our decision in this regard will be communicated in due course.

DOCRRA is currently taking legal advice on how best to formalise a structured mass objection process that will ensure the most effective impact. We intend to mobilise all residents and ratepayers who are opposed to the disposal of this property in a coordinated manner, ensuring that all objections are formally recorded and considered appropriately by the KDM.

Please be advised that the formalisation of this process will take a few days, and that we hope to communicate the way forward by around Wednesday next week. The process will include providing residents with a standardised objection template containing all relevant information, together with advice on how to draft and transmit your objection. This should be copied to our centralised DOCCRA email address, thereby ensuring a proper and independent recordal of all objections.

For those that have not already submitted their objections, we would suggest that you wait for us to make the template and information available to assist you.

For those that have already submitted their objections, we would appreciate it if you could send us a copy to

This process will enable us to work together in making sure that all opposing voices may be heard and a clear message be given to the KDM.

23 Responses

    1. Please formalise your objection and send to KDM. We will be providing information on this website, sometime this week, to assist you.

  1. I definitely do not believe Townsend Park is the right place a for a mosque and it never will be I also believe if a church ie Catholic church decided to bulid in the midlle of a muslim residential area It would not be well received The park is used for so many recreational activities There are always people with chidren playing games or walking dogs It is a wonderful feeling to know you can go to the park and sit under the trees. Plus I dont believe the residence need to be disturbed 5 times a day with prayer calls

    1. Please formalise your objection and send to KDM. We will be providing information on this website, sometime this week, to assist you.

  2. We object to the portion of land for Townsend park to be sold. There is enough land on the outer boundries of Ballito for such a development to be established. The objection comes with the following reasons:

    The increase of traffic the brings to the residential area is of great concern and not fair to residents who have invested the earnings into these properties.
    Townsend park is a popular spot for family to paly sport, walk and include other activies
    It is one of the few open wide parks in Ballito, and would be unfair to take this away from the public
    Children and adults, play basketball, soccer and sports here.
    There is a green belt with which houses homes to many species of insects and animals.

    I find it quite entertaining, but with great concern as to how the Government and Local muncipalitity have alowed this process to even go further, a subject that should of been closed a few years ago. I can further say that i assume that all parties involved in the proposal of sale, will indeed benefit financially from this with only there own interests concerned. You can not honestly say this would be the right thing to do, by first of all building a mosque in a small residnetial area, where there is already no space and land for kids and familys to walk and play. The local government is strangling the residents from freedom by doing so and devaluaing there properties by even thinking of proceeding with this. I as a resident object to such unlawful practises by all parties involved in this. You are corrrupt and we will not let this go through.

    YOu have no interest in cleaning our beaches or fixing munciple properties along the beaches and our streets, you have no interest in training more staff and supplying more vehicles for SAPS, but you are more focused on destroying public and residentual peace by doing so. Please take your corrupt thoughts and actions away from our communtiy and find some where else outside Ballito on the other side of the freeway to fullful your needs.

    Leave Townsend Park Alone!!!

    1. This needs to be sent to KDM. Please formalise your objection and send to KDM. We will be providing information on this website, sometime this week, to assist you.

  3. I object to the sale of the property due to the following reasons.
    .It is a public area which is used by the community
    .Increased noise levels in the area.
    .Traffic in the area will increase dramatically which will effect the value of our properties

    1. Please formalise your objection and send to KDM. We will be providing information on this website, sometime this week, to assist you.

    1. Please formalise your objection and send to KDM. We will be providing information on this website, sometime this week, to assist you.

  4. Rediculous!! Why not in Chakas kraal? Or near the stations? This is going to rob us of our park and disturb our pease and cause much serious traffic and unhappines and devaluation of properties!! Another serious blunder!! To add to many. Religious places worldwide are now established on the outskirts of towns. Why not in Dolphin Coast too? Welcome to Portugal

    1. Please formalise your objection and send to KDM. We will be providing information on this website, sometime this week, to assist you.

  5. a mosque is noisy and in appropriate near or in a residential area. the daily call to prayer will be disruptive. this ground should be kept for green space for the community as a whole

    1. Please formalise your objection and send to KDM. We will be providing information on this website, sometime this week, to assist you.

  6. Townsend Park is a natural green belt that needs to remain that way! It services the whole community of ward 30! Please leave our park alone!

    1. Please formalise your objection and send to KDM. We will be providing information on this website, sometime this week, to assist you.

    1. Please formalise your objection and send to KDM. We will be providing information on this website, sometime this week, to assist you.

  7. Open letter to the Municipal Manager of KDM Mr N J Mdakane

    Dear Sir

    I hereby express my objection to the proposed sale as this is a park that I, my family, and community use on an almost daily basis for exercise and recreation and I will vehemently oppose any proposal to sell off a portion of this park. Public open space is of incalculable value to the community in which it is vested and I can assure you that this matter will become a flashpoint for the community affected by it should the proposed sale continue. As a member of the media I have already been approached by countless members of the community who have expressed their dismay at the way this matter has been approached following the initial outrage and opposition expressed when the matter first came to our attention roughly four years ago. I can assure you that should this plan to sell off a portion of the park continue to take shape, it will create enormous animosity between the community here and KDM. This surely cannot be what you might consider a desirable state of affairs and I urge you to reconsider.
    Most sincerely

    Dave Charles
    082 551 4768

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