Following the surprise addition to some 600 households’ KDM bills this month, DOCRRA initiated research into why these households have been allocated a double, backdated charge for refuse removal.
We have discovered that the charge relates to a second dwelling on a residential property, such as a granny flat, that may be rented out, or which accommodates another family unit. According to our bylaws, if you have such a second dwelling on your property, you will be liable for a second charge for refuse removal as well. However, this does not apply to a worker of the residence. While this bylaw has been stipulated for many years, this is the first time we know of that it has been implemented.
It is regrettable that KDM has decided to now implement this, and to make matters worse, to not consult nor communicate their intent or action with the community. DOCRRA will take this up with KDM at our next meeting with them in April.
If this additional charge does not reflect your actual situation, you should raise an objection with KDM and highlight the correct facts for them to consider. No action can be taken by KDM until such an objection has been considered and communicated. An email should suffice and should be addressed to
To avoid taking responsibility, KDM may refer you to Dolphin Coast Waste Management (DCWM). Do not accept this diversion, as the obligation for this rests with you and KDM, and DCWM cannot impact on that.
Should you not be successful with this approach or need more information, please contact us on
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6 Responses
I do not have a flat or any outside room. surely they should do their homework first
Please see our blogs on our website on this subject.
I have received this increase as many others have, absolutely unacceptable. We are only two seniors living on the property, we don’t have any rooms or flatlet. Please can they include the survey results…..😡🤬
The current refuse tariff is for residential use, 2xweek, with 2 bags per collection.
if KDM charge households now for 2 x tariff code, will you then be allowed to put out 4 x bags per collection. As it is at the moment, DCWM only takes 2 bags per collection, when there are more they leave it and do not take it.
1. Who is collecting the extra refuse charge collected, KDM or DCWM, ( who is a service provider)
2. If you are allowed 4 bags per collection (when charge double), how will DCWM knows which houses they can collect more bags.
3. Will Stanger area also be charged the extra refuse tariff charge, KDM is collecting the refuse there and not DCWM.
4. DCWM staff walks down the road, collect bags and put it at a central collecting point, how will the driver who throws the empty bags knows which houses bags were collected from, we have received bags without putting out a bag.
How will they look at the following?
The erf has a unit that it rented out, but it is not visible from the street.(maids room)
The erf has 2 entrances for personal reasons.
The erf has a house with extra rooms in the house or at the back of the erf, that are rented out.
The house garage is converted into a unit that is rented out.
Double storeys houses can also use one floor to rent out.
Granny flats that is not visible from the street, or does not look that it is Granny flat.
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