We want to extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone who attended our Community Conversations AGM event two weeks ago at the Salt Rock Country Club. It was an amazing gathering of community stakeholders including some of our Councillors, representatives from the KwaDukuza Residents Forum, the Ilembe Community Action Network, neighbourhood watches, Community Policing Forum, iLembe Chamber of Commerce, small business owners and many Dolphin Coast residents.

Report Taxi Vigilantism NOW!

Our recent Community Conversations event highlighted the pressing issue of taxi vigilantism and residents’ frustration with this issue. Despite media coverage and promises of investigation, there has been a concerning lack of progress and accountability. No taxi association has the right to police the mode of transportation being used by citizens. DOCRRA is committed to addressing this situation and ensuring the safety and well-being of our community.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: Sign the Petition to Reinstate CFO Shamir Rajcoomar NOW!

KwaDukuza Municipality CFO, Shamir Rajcoomar, was suspended in July 2023 due to R37,000 in banking fees accumulated over a change of bank accounts. While this is a costly oversight to the average citizen, it is undoubtedly small change when it comes to a municipal budget. While the mistake must be addressed, we’d like to put this event into perspective.

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